10 digital marketing strategies that generate results for your company

10 digital marketing strategies that generate results for your company

Let’s point out the 10 main strategies for small businesses, which can add value and visibility to your business.

Are they:

1.Presence on social media

Through digital marketing for social networks, it is possible to identify market trends, customer profiles and segment online actions in order to reach your business’ target audience.

Not to mention the fact that through your posts and virtual interactions, your company’s relationship with its customers ends up becoming closer, your business’s reputation becomes more solid and the reach of new customers becomes much greater as well.

This is an excellent way to increase sales and strengthen brands, however, it is necessary to plan and study the best ways to communicate in this environment.

It is even important to analyze which social network best fits your business profile and rely on the work of an agency specialized in digital marketing to produce your graphic pieces and manage your social networks with professionalism.

This way you will have more time to think about other administrative demands of your business.

2.Google Ads

This can also be an excellent digital marketing strategy for small businesses.

One of the main advantages of Google Ads is the fact that it makes it easier for companies to be visible in Google search results.

In this sense, it is essential to have assertive advertisements, which can provide valuable customers for companies. An agency specialized in Google Ads could be the solution to increase the number of customers interested in your business.

3. Creation and optimization of websites with Local SEO

Creating a website is among the best digital marketing strategies for small businesses, as it offers more security and content ownership than other platforms.

A website has the function of representing your company 24 hours a day, making customers want to hire your services and buy your products.

Therefore, for your website to have a good positioning on Google, it is essential to optimize it through the use of SEO techniques .

Acronym for Search Engine Optimization, SEO can be defined as a set of optimization techniques that aim to generate more organic traffic and authority for your website.

In fact, Local SEO can be a great alternative to attract customers to your business. In this case, the entire strategy is directed to a specific city or region, positioning your page according to your profile in search engines like Google.

4.Content marketing

Through content marketing, it is possible to produce and share topics that are relevant to your business’s target audience.

Interesting and relevant content, which involves detailed research and in-depth information, can attract the public and establish a relationship of trust, in addition to giving more authority and a good positioning for the company.

Content marketing can be done by creating a blog or website, with specific content posts, producing an e-book, with practical tips and complete information, or even creating content for social networks.

This strategy creates a rapprochement with the public, being one of the simplest and most important ways to prospect customers and guarantee authority for the brand.

The blog, in particular, is a fundamental tool for the brand to create not only visibility among its target audience, but also the credibility necessary for them to become interested in its solutions.


Remarketing is also on the list of digital marketing strategies that can improve the results of your small business .

Do you know when a customer puts a product in the cart, but ends up not completing the purchase? This strategy consists of contacting consumers who were likely to do business with your company, but changed their mind for some reason.

The same goes for that customer who used to have a good relationship with the brand, but distanced themselves and never returned for new purchases.

6.Email marketing

In this remarketing context and in many others, email is a resource to be explored strategically by companies.

This is a privileged means of communication, as it is very direct and provides a more personalized dialogue, a message that the customer receives individually in their email inbox.

Campaigns in this medium can include discounts for these customers, exclusive promotions and other resources that catch their attention.

7.Inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is a very popular approach nowadays, as it has shown good results, especially with the use of digital resources.

In this set of digital marketing strategies, the company does not go after each new customer, as used to happen in other times, such as telemarketing, but makes people attracted to its business.

Content marketing, which we mentioned above, is a way of applying this approach, as the brand simply offers the content produced and it attracts the target audience closer to the company.

8.Outbound marketing

Although it is the opposite of the previous approach, there is no reason to abandon outbound marketing altogether.

Using paid advertisements to promote products and services, for example, is a very efficient strategy and can complement other types of strategies very well.

The idea here is not to see these digital marketing strategies as opposing options, but as paths that can complement each other.

9.Influencer Marketing

In the era of digital influencers, we cannot deny that the internet is capable of influencing consumer behavior, right?

This type of marketing uses this principle to improve the target audience’s perception of the brand and, consequently, increase its sales.

To do this, it is possible to take advantage of the work carried out by digital influencers, through partnerships, or even consumer review portals and evaluation pages.

10. Relationship marketing

Finally, in relationship marketing, the focus is on gaining customer loyalty through a positive experience, which creates a bond between brand and consumer.

This involves closer communication with the target audience, accessible language and an attitude that always indicates how committed the brand is to customer satisfaction.

Rohan Sharma

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