SEO Tools: Discover the best – and free – on the market!

SEO Tools: Discover the best – and free – on the market!

If you have the mission of placing your pages in the top positions of results on Google, you need to know the best SEO tools on the market.

Some say that SEO planning is expensive. It is not. When SEO planning is done correctly, the result is the transformation of your company’s income. And this applies to all companies.

Whether you are a traffic manager in your own company, or you are responsible for marketing a large business, knowing SEO tools and using them to their full potential really has the power to make your company reach its maximum efficiency. .

Get to know the five best SEO tools on the market now, which have completely free options and start taking the best path for your business!

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization – “search engine optimization” – is a set of techniques that aim to improve organic traffic on a website, so that it is better ranked on Google or Bing.

In general, SEO is used so that the content of a page responds to a question or doubt from a reader. In this text you are reading right now, we use SEO techniques so that you, through a search for “SEO tools”, can find us.

And, if you’re reading us, it’s a fact that our strategy worked properly.

In practice, the application of SEO techniques associated with quality material means that Google and other search engines begin to understand content as relevant and important for its customers.

However, it is important to emphasize that even with the best SEO tools or even applying the best writing techniques, without quality and truly relevant content, there is no possibility of ranking and qualified access.

Therefore, just as important as knowing how to write content that reveals your authority on the subject is knowing SEO. And, in the same way, as important as knowing SEO and its tools, it is essential to know in depth your work topic in the content. One without the other ultimately results in wasted effort.

Why use SEO tools?

When we use SEO tools correctly, the result is the optimization of our website for search engines. Using the tools, we learn about weak points in our work structure and then act to improve them. Without the tools and their reports, however, these points end up being hidden.

Without authority in search engines, our marketing strategy cannot be carried out effectively. So, even with many efforts to improve and optimize our content, we end up not getting the desired results.

The biggest contributions in relation to the use of SEO tools are therefore related to:

  • increased organic traffic;
  • improvement in the concept of site authority ;
  • greater efficiency in relation to website design.

Surely you want this for your website or your client’s website. And you can achieve these results through the five free SEO tools that we will now bring to you.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the most powerful SEO analysis tools. It’s a completely free SEO tool and, if you have a website, you should never leave it aside.

Using Google Analytics, you can view almost in real time how your potential customers navigate your website.

The tool provides powerful data on:

  • length of stay on your website;
  • what keyword brought your customer to you;
  • who are the most loyal users;
  • the type of content being searched for on your website;
  • how far your screen is scrolled.

Recommended – highly! – explore your website’s Google Analytics and understand what its strengths are. Through these points, it is then possible to design an SEO strategy in order to optimize even further!

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a website performance monitoring tool. Using the tool, you can act to ensure the quality of your audience, even blocking harmful access to your website.

Through Google Search Console , it is also possible to actively check whether there is a SERP – Search Engine Results Page – problem affecting your most important page with the largest audience.

Using Google Search Console you have access to the Fetch as Google tool. Through it, you understand how Google shows your pages and sees them. Thus, it is possible to update parameters and even content in order to achieve the desired quality.

Google Pagespeed Insights

Google Pagespeed Insights is an essential tool for identifying the speed at which your website delivers information to your users, whether they are accessing the page on mobile or desktop.

Browsing speed is essential for Google and when something is out of step with the search engine, your organic results deteriorate drastically.

Therefore, being aware of the scripts that are running on the page or even the weight of the images used is more than fundamental. And, to do proper monitoring, using Google Pagespeed Insights is simple and truly incredible.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a very powerful tool if your need is to do a complete audit of your website. The SEO tool is completely free and provides very important insights for anyone who wants to improve their content production strategy and even their website architecture.

The tool scans all pages on your website and identifies errors that seem trivial, but, once resolved, greatly increase the quality and relevance of your website in search engines. Thus, the result is the best possible: increased organic traffic!


One of the biggest challenges for anyone who produces content for a website is identifying subjects and themes – keywords. However, with Ubersuggest this mission becomes a little easier.

Ubersuggest is one of the most powerful free SEO tools on the market because with some research you will get a list of qualified keywords to work on your website .

Although Ubersuggest has a premium version, it is possible, in its free version, to monitor 20 keywords per account and also receive weekly updates on your monitoring. In addition, it is also possible to audit three websites per day and receive their recommendations for improvement.

Rohan Sharma

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